Post-Release Interviews with Muad'Dib
Since being released, Muad'Dib has been invited onto a number of different radio shows this coming week to talk about the latest events.
A program with Kevin Barrett is scheduled to be broadcast live this Wednesday, the 16th of March 2011, between 2-3P US Central Time on American Freedom Radio at
There is a "Listen Live" button at the top left corner in the blue stripe just below the banner. Program schedules may be found at the "Radio Schedule" button right next to the "Listen Live" button. Kevin Barrett's show "Truth Jihad" is scheduled to air from 1-3P CDT, so it should be during the second hour of his two-hour program that he will be interviewing Muad'Dib.
Another program with Jim Fetzer is scheduled to air Friday, the 18th of March between 5-7P US Central Time on the Revere Radio Network at
There is a "Now Playing" box at the top right-hand portion of the opening page, located just below the banner, which should have the name of the program in it at that time. So, those wishing to tune in would simply click on "The Real Deal" with Jim Fetzer in the "Now Playing" box and begin receiving the feed.
Now Archived:-
Jim Fetzer interview (first quarter with Nick Kollerstrom, followed by Muad'Dib):-
Download Audio Only (alternative download links: 1,2)
Kevin Barrett interview (first half with Paul Craig Roberts, followed by Muad'Dib):-
Download Audio Only (alternative download links: 1,2)
Any additional interviews will be posted on this website, and entries will be updated with archived files when available.